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Lasting Powers of Attorney

Unfortunately, may people put off creating a Lasting Power of Attorney, thinking they will never need it. Then when it is all too late, relatives are left dealing with expensive court proceedings to ask the Court to grant them the Power.    

A Lasting Power of Attorney - unlike an ordinary Power of Attorney - remains valid in the event of loss of mental capacity. 
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney; Property & Financial Affairs and Health & Welfare. 

If you should lose capacity in the future, having a Property & Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney in place means your appointed Attorneys can manage, and make decisions about your:

  • bank and building society accounts;
  • investments
  • pensions
  • property

Having the Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to appoint Attorneys to make decisions about:

  • your medical treatment
  • your medical care
  • your place of residence if you need to go into residential care
  • giving or refusing consent to life sustaining treatment (if you wish them to)

When making a Lasting Power of Attorney, the required documentation must be prepared and executed correctly to avoid rejection by the Office of the Public Guardian, financial institutions and care authorities. We can help guide you through the process by completing the paperwork for you so as to ensure that your Lasting Power of Attorney is effective and workable.

The important thing to remember with Lasting Powers of Attorney is that you can only create a Lasting Power of Attorney while you have the requisite mental capacity to understand the document. For this reason, you should consider creating a Lasting Power of Attorney sooner rather than later.
We will comply with and follow all the necessary formalities to ensure that you have a valid Lasting Power of Attorney and register the same with the Office of the Public Guardian for you. If you do not have family or friends who can act as an Attorney, we will help find a solution for you whilst operating strictly within professional guidelines and acting in the your best interests.

 our services

For professional advice on LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY, call now on 01252 522 475 or 
01252 514 888 

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