Our charges for basic single wills are fixed at £400 plus V.A.T and for mirror wills fixed at £600 plus VAT. If matters are more complex, for example, there are issues as to capacity, lengthy correspondence, numerous changes to instructions following the preparation of the draft will, we will charge at our hourly rate of £280 plus V.A.T.
Home visits, hospital visits and care home visits are charged at £200 plus V.A.T in addition to the fixed cost of the will.
We will send the draft will to you for approval within 2 weeks of taking your instructions. If there are amendments to be made to the draft will we will amend the draft within a week of receiving those further instructions. Within a week thereafter we will send you your will and instructions on how it needs to be signed and witnessed, or, alternatively we will make arrangements for you to attend our offices where you can sign your will in front of witnesses.
As part of our service we will provide you with a dedicated and experienced wills and probate solicitor to work on your matter.