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Criminal representation

Criminal Matters

Police Interviews

If you are suspected of committing a criminal offence, then the initial police interview is possibly the most important stage of criminal law proceedings and it is of the utmost importance that you have proper representation with you at this interview.
By having a solicitor present, you could be dealt with quicker and your solicitor is likely to be able to access more details about the evidence against you as well as advise you upon it before you are interviews.  

The Police have to adhere to strict interviewing standards in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE)

If you are taken to a police station for questioning, you are entitled to free, and independent, legal advice at the police station. This means that the representation you receive at the station will be free.  

If a police officer refuses your request to phone us for representation, they will be committing an offence. If you are arrested then ask for Fulcher’s of Farnborough Solicitors when you are offered the right to a solicitor. If you are requested to attend a voluntary interview under caution, then contact us immediately to arrange our attendance. We have solicitors on call 24/7 to represent you and you should ask the police station to call us.

Sexual Offences

Allegations of a sexual nature have seen an increase in recent years and we provide specialist and confidential representation in this area. We approach all cases with an open mind and do our best for every client accused of such allegations. We are proactive in preparing your defence for serious sexual allegations including rape, sexual assault and being in possession of indecent images. This includes:

• Securing representation in court by an advocate experienced in such cases

• Ensuring all disclosure is received from the prosecution of material which may undermine the prosecution case

• Taking witness statements from potential defence witness which could undermine the credibility of the prosecution witnesses

• Instructing nationally reputable experts to challenge forensic evidence

In respect of allegations of possession of indecent images we regularly retain the services of computer forensic analysts to investigate potential defences of hacking, viruses and other possible explanations 

Representation at Magistrates Court

We represent clients appearing before the Magistrates Court on a daily basis. Allegations routinely heard in the Magistrates Court include shoplifting, assault, drugs offences, Trading Standards or the Local Authority for benefit fraud or fly tipping.

Legal Aid

Anyone interviewed by a police officer is entitled to free legal representation. In the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court, legal aid must be applied for. We will provide specific advice as to whether you qualify for legal aid based on the information you provide to us. If you are not eligible for legal aid, then we offer competitive private rates which can include an agreed fixed fee.

 our services

If you require criminal representation, contact us today on 01252 522 475 or 
01252 514 888 

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